Díky vaší podpory bude Stalose vždy bez reklam. Děkujeme.
Šílené záběry z první osoby, na nichž se ruský pilot katapultoval z letounu Su-25SM, který byl zasažen ukrajinskou palbou. (Foto: Twitter)
K incidentu zřejmě došlo již v létě, ale ztráta letounu nebyla dříve zdokumentována.
#Ukraine: Crazy first-person footage of a Russian pilot ejecting from a Su-25SM (09 Red) which was hit by Ukrainian fire. The incident apparently happened back in the Summer but the loss of the aircraft wasn't documented previously. pic.twitter.com/2KdnmpOZ8F—
#Ukraine: Crazy first-person footage of a Russian pilot ejecting from a Su-25SM (09 Red) which was hit by Ukrainian fire.
The incident apparently happened back in the Summer but the loss of the aircraft wasn't documented previously. pic.twitter.com/2KdnmpOZ8F