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Na Silvestra ve Francii bylo zapáleno 690 aut a policie zadržela 490 lidí kvůli výtržnostem, uvedla média. (Foto: Twitter)
New Year’s Eve in Nantes, France. Enrichers set a person’s car on fire around 10 p.m., – several more vehicles went up in flames around 11 p.m. Firefighters and police were greeted by migrants throwing fireworks, Molotov cocktails, and other projectiles. pic.twitter.com/jAYikE2ZMT— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 1, 2023
New Year’s Eve in Nantes, France.
Enrichers set a person’s car on fire around 10 p.m., – several more vehicles went up in flames around 11 p.m.
Firefighters and police were greeted by migrants throwing fireworks, Molotov cocktails, and other projectiles. pic.twitter.com/jAYikE2ZMT