V Izraeli, přestože premiér Benjamin Netanjahu v pondělí oznámil odklad svého plánu na revizi, do ulic nadále vycházejí desetitisíce demonstrantů, kteří požadují úplné zrušení. Protesty trvají již třináctý týden. (Foto: Twitter)
In Israel, despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Monday announcement of a delay in his overhaul plan, tens of thousands of demonstrators continue to take to the streets, demanding a complete scrapping. Protests are now in their thirteenth week. #Israel#Protestspic.twitter.com/F0SWlOmtoi
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa tonight in protest against the controversial judicial reform, although it was put on hold until the summer session of the Knesset, writes the Times of Israel . Police used water cannons against… pic.twitter.com/mZz3TRZozc