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Havaj, USA – Americký prezident Joe Biden během obřadu na Havaji na počest obětí požáru na ostrově Maui usnul. (Foto: X)
Joe Biden just fell asleep in the middle of his meeting with victims of the Maui fires pic.twitter.com/YxDneHVuWL— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) August 22, 2023
Joe Biden just fell asleep in the middle of his meeting with victims of the Maui fires pic.twitter.com/YxDneHVuWL
NOW – Biden appears to fall asleep during a ceremony in Hawaii honoring the Maui fire victims.pic.twitter.com/pFGMPjqFqg— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 22, 2023
NOW – Biden appears to fall asleep during a ceremony in Hawaii honoring the Maui fire victims.pic.twitter.com/pFGMPjqFqg