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Starobylá tibetská knihovna obsahuje 84 000 rukopisů. Zahrnuje více než 1 000 let lidské historie. Je 60 metrů dlouhá a 10 metrů vysoká. (Foto:: X)
Údajně bylo přeloženo jen asi 5 % rukopisů v knihovně a 0,6 % bylo zveřejněno.
The ancient library of Tibet contains 84,000 manuscripts.Including more than 1,000 years of human history. It is 60 meters long and 10 meters high.Allegedly, only about 5% of the manuscripts in the library have been translated, and 0.6% have been made public. pic.twitter.com/eeBRGbqBbP— UFO-Hunter
The ancient library of Tibet contains 84,000 manuscripts.
Including more than 1,000 years of human history. It is 60 meters long and 10 meters high.
Allegedly, only about 5% of the manuscripts in the library have been translated, and 0.6% have been made public. pic.twitter.com/eeBRGbqBbP