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Severní Korea měla vypálit možnou balistickou rakety směrem na Japonsko? (Foto: X / NHK)
Severní Korea podle japonské pobřežní stráže vypálila něco, co by mohlo být balistickou střelou.
Lidé v prefektuře Okinawa byli vyzváni, aby se ukryli na místě.
Per NHK, the explosion occurred near the North Korea/China border.Looks like the North Korean SLV had a malfunction not long after take off.Japan has canceled the J-alert. pic.twitter.com/W8wnNzhVEi— Global: Military-Info (@Global_Mil_Info) May 27, 2024
Per NHK, the explosion occurred near the North Korea/China border.
Looks like the North Korean SLV had a malfunction not long after take off.
Japan has canceled the J-alert. pic.twitter.com/W8wnNzhVEi