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Peruánský badatel našel na vrcholu hory v Peru starobylou tajnou hrobku. Domnívá se, že pochází z předpotopní éry, mohlo by to tak být? (Foto: X)
Stále se musíme ptát, kdo a proč ji vytvořil? Co si myslíte o teorii „starověkých mimozemšťanů“?
A Peruvian Explorer found an ancient secret vault on top of a mountain in Peru. He believes its from Pre-Flood era, could it be? We still have to ask who made this and why? What do you think about the “ancient alien” theory?#theparanormalchic #ancientaliens #peru #secret… pic.twitter.com/TOMfyZaZzP— Myra Moore- The Paranormal Chic (@t_paranorm_chic) June 30, 2024
A Peruvian Explorer found an ancient secret vault on top of a mountain in Peru.
He believes its from Pre-Flood era, could it be? We still have to ask who made this and why?
What do you think about the “ancient alien” theory?#theparanormalchic #ancientaliens #peru #secret… pic.twitter.com/TOMfyZaZzP