51letý Yusuf Dikec z Turecka, získal na olympijských hrách v Paříži stříbrnou medaili ve smíšené disciplíně na 10 metrů pistolí. (Foto: Eurosport / Youtube)
Zatímco ostatní sportovci nosili brýle a chrániče sluchu, aby se netřásli, on neměl žádné vybavení, jednu ruku strčil do kapsy a vzal si stříbro pouze pomocí svého těla a pistole.
The iconic shooter with one hand in his pocket.
51-year-old Turkish shooter Yusuf Dikec's who won an Olympic silver medal with no specialized lenses, ear protection or any other equipment.pic.twitter.com/fueMcKaMGH
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) August 1, 2024
Meet 51-year-old Senior Sergeant Yusuf Dikeç: Turkey's very own James Bond at #Olympics leisure!
With one hand casually in his pocket, shoulders relaxed and gun trained with effortless swag, Dikeç outshot the competition to claim the silver medal.
Just pure, raw skill! pic.twitter.com/oR07ZuQgNb
— Wangdi Khrimey (@WangdiKhrimey) August 1, 2024
This 51 yr old man from Turkey named 'Yusuf Dikec' contested in air pistol shooting and won the silver medal.
He isn't like any other medalist in the history of #OlympicGames .
It's because he played the match without using any of the common visibility aids.Swag at peak!